Tuesday, January 19, 2010

32 weeks- maternity photoshoot

So wow- its 32 weeks and 3 days now! only 7.5 more to go!! things still seem to be moving along- i was worried that it would slow down here at the end but so far so good! im pretty sure i already mentioned that a couple weeks ago we had our maternity photo shoot!! i got the pictures back and there are just so many to pick from that i love so im planning on making a video on youtube with them all! but here are a couple so you dont have to wait too long!

so anyway... speaking of photography!! i have found an online photography/photoshop school! its called NYIP-- New York Institute of Photography! so im starting to save money so i can start that! and im VERY excited!! actually i edited these photos! randy has started back to school- and today we got some bad news- he got laid off! we have already talked about how we want to do things- there are alot of small home projects we still need to do b4 Lily is here- we will be getting good money back from our taxes- and luckily he is being blessed with 40 house a week on unemployment! so, hes going to focus on school- as will I and I will also be trying to get started shortly after Lily comes home on getting some photography done and making a little extra money! *but we can always use prayer... you never know whats going to happen tomorrow* BUT moving on... im getting so excited about the baby shower- its in 2 weeks! it will seem a whole lot more surreal when i have more baby things in the house!! =) Tomorrow I have another doctors appt. so I think I will save my symptoms and cravings for that blog- I dont think too much will happen at the visit! Oh- just curious on how many women breastfeed their babies... or are planning to?? i have my heart set on it and im really trying to prepare myself for everything that comes along with it- any advice?? in the past few months alot of the moms that have had their babies have talked about how hard it was to stick to NO FORMULA. not that theres anything wrong with it- its just not what I want to do... so any suggestions or comments are welcome!! and i think thats about it.... I will update tomorrow or thursday and post a video link with the rest of the maternity photos!! until next time! <3


  1. I LOVE your maternity pictures and how you edited them. Very cute! That's so exciting that your shower is coming up. I also plan on breastfeeding and need all the advice I can get because I'm a little nervous about it haha.

  2. O no Kassie! I'm so sorry about randy! I can't believe that! I'll be praying for yall. Just like what's happened with us lately, I know that God will provide for you. We love you! And I can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!!

    O and I plan on breast feeding too but I've got no advice haha. I'll be the one coming to you for advice! Oooo I look forward to that!

  3. I'll go out and get that book for sure, thanks for letting me know :)
